Seed treatment
shapes the plant and enhances the immunity
0.5 to 0.8 l per 1 ton of seeds

Seed treatment is considered part and parcel of the crop quality improvement and its yield enhancement due to correct and enhanced formation of the plant "transportation system". After the seed treatment, due to increased energy of sprouting and to stimulation of specific metabolic processes in the plant the following things occur:
  • the immune system is enhanced in the seeds
  • growth and development of sprouts is stimulated
  • the seeds are released from superficial seed infection
  • their field (and laboratory) germinating ability of the seed is increased (+3–15 %, mean +5.5 %)
  • the coleoptile length is increased (wheat — 38.4 mm, barley — 75.9 mm, oat — 65.8 mm), and
  • an enhanced root system is shaped; (up to +50 %)
  • the effects of seed disinfectantsare enhanced, which considerably reduces the affect of the seeds with fungal diseases caused by an internal seed infection
  • the negative effect of plant seed injury caused by herbicides and insecticides is relieved
Examples of seed treatment
Chelyabinsk region
Agapovsk area
June, 2013

On the left Chinese compound: root is 18 sm, root rot
On the right German compound, buyer: 15 sm, knot
Chelyabinsk region
Agapovsk area
June, 2013
German sterilizer and GNS-2004 (standard 0.5 liters per ton): root is 22 sm
Treatment in combination with a herbicide
eliminates stress and enhances immunity
0.3–0.5 l per 1 На
  • the herbicide-induced crop stress is relieved; its duration is reduced from 15 days to 1
  • gives the crop additional nutrition with acids and micronutrients
  • enhances the shaping process of the secondary root system
  • enhances the natural plant immunity
  • enhances coleoptile shaping
  • enhances the primary root system shaping
  • increases the plant adaptation to climatic conditions like droughts, chills, thermal shocks and overwetting
  • accelerates shaping of the lower leaves
Examples of treatment with herbicide
Kurgan region
June, 2013

On the right — check
On the left — GSN–2004 (standard 0.3 liters per hectare)
Kurgan region
Shadrinsk area
June, 2013

At the bottom — check
At the top — GSN-2004 (standard 0.3 liters per hectare)
According tоexperts' opinions,
of the yield depends on the plant feeding area
of the yield depends on the weather conditions
of the yield depends on the plant variety genotype
of the yield depends on other factors (protection, harvesting etc.)
Stimulating treatment
enhances the yield
1 to 2.5 l per 1 На
  • adaptation to climatic conditions, e.g., drought, frost, thermal shocks and overwetting is increased
  • the effect of unfavourable external conditions, e.g., drought, chill and moist is decreased
  • the number of grains is increased
  • the weight of grains is increased
  • the effect of mineral fertilization is increased (-30 %)
  • the plants are less affected by diseases (especially fungal ones)
  • the yield is enhanced (by 10% and more)
Examples of treatment tillering
Chelyabinsk region
Chebarkul area
July, 2013

At the top — check
At the bottom — GSN–2004(standard 1.5 liters per hectare)
The final treatment
increases the crop quality
  • increases the fruit (grain) weight
  • increases the fruit (seed) filling
  • increases the sugar, protein, starch and vitamin content
  • prolongs the fruit shelf life
Examples of treatment grapes
Krasnodar region

1 root and 4 leaves feeding
The average growth of grapes in the bunch is +21%
The average growth of a grape berry is +25%
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